Saturday, July 28, 2012

Spinning in the Opposite Direction of You

“You are so vast I cannot hardly fit you on a page
So when I step away it’s because I can’t withstand the Pain
You fill me, you pour your essence into my soul
You feed me, nourish the parts I wish to see grow
Feed this hungry mouth, I plead, I scream, I beg, I stomp and I scream!!!
Feed me!!! I command, you know this is real, why can’t you fill this empty depth with your seed?

I’m not sure how these words will land
I’m not sure if you’re soaring with the Eagles, free to fly as you choose, I would never clip your wings dear. I want you to fly free
But after traveling the Earth for so long, don’t you wish to witness life through me?
You entered me, a grand entrance at that, you paraded into my world, and showed me your fascinations, your fetish, your faults, your sense of darkness, but mostly your light.

You tower above me, you dominate my soul.
She submits to your love, there is no other option. 
Your power is greater than all those who have come before you.
I don’t know if you’re a stepping stone or my Rock.
Am I just supposed to step through you or step into your heart and grow?

Can I throw my anchor in our love baby? Can I gamble at the chances of us?
Can I build this fort and nail the stakes into the ground? Can I land here, can I stay a while?


Are you just a floating cloud in night, barely there, and hardly noticeable when you’re gone?

I have nothing to hold onto, no railing, no security, no ground.
Just empty space, and the memory of you, and our story, our souls intertwining.

And now I’m just left spinning

Spinning in the opposite direction of you.”

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