Monday, July 23, 2012

Capture the Flag Of My Heart

"you captured my heart" I . E. capture the flag of my heart! I love you! I hate you!! These are words that play over and over again in my head, but more importantly they play over and over again in my heart Anahata! Un-struck sound, an eternal vibrating force,  a latticed matrix we are hopelessly woven into wether we accept it or not. So you might as well beat with me, sing your song to my tune,  for we have made a new song together.  You join your hand in mine, and I know it's not casual. Your heart jumps the  L I N E  and I pretend I'm not the finishing destination.  But I'm always waiting here. For you. Peacefully, gracefully sitting here waiting for you to capture the flag in my heart. You approach from the dark night and you think you know where to find it. You sesrch high above the trees, thinking  I've stashed it in a lofty place. You get tagged and have to go to jail.  Your grow thirsty and weary. I give you the key and water, and you search more, this time digging into the ground to find my red waving fabric of glory.  You dig beneath the weeds, the roots of the tree. Finally you give up, digging ravenously until you collapse, and surrender to The Ground, and lay face  up. Your eyes gaze at the sky, tracing the clouds with your thoughts, trying to decode my psyche. I  am unwilling to give you any codes, you have to pick my lock with your own genius. You ponder the clouds' natural geometry, and study how they appear, and disappear, making love to one another, and for a brief moment, you find God. She is a luminous rainbow altering the course of your life.  How do you capture a rainbow? You don't. You can only admire and love her. You realize, finally, lying in the ground in a wondrous stuper, that "ha ha"  is a rainbow, and you die in ridiculous laughter. You forget to remember, and then a hand appears above your face, and you recall, a She, a she do vast that she battles with the waves of the Ocean in Bastille, her waves conquer you and you are pulled into her tides of darkness. You Loose Thought. All Consciousness  f a d E S And you become nothing Merge with absolute silence, the dark void, merge with her here. Boom boom  Boom Boom Boom boom But then there lives a Live  Beating Heart of flesh in your hand. You've captured her. You've captured her heart. 

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