Sunday, December 2, 2012

New Love.... Allowing the Heart to Move and Flow

He picked me up from work last night, late, at 10pm when I was stranded because I locked myself in a parking garage. He’s sweet, he’s full of light and insightful offerings. He’s a wild and dangerous animal too. He "shows up", he answers his calls when I need him too. There’s no sticky manipulation. There’s no ‘goo goo gaga’ feeling…he’s just real, deep, genuine and true.

We get to my house and cuddle on the couch as I eat a midnight snack. I sink into his strong chest and arms and his heart is radiating around me, I feel safe and loved. I haven’t felt this radiant heart love feeling since the last dude face I don’t want to mention right now.

We go up to my bedroom and he averts his eyes so I can slip into some lingerie and surprise him….I choose a little lacey black underwear and a black lace nighty that cuts off right under my butt cheeks…

I model it for him before jumping into bed, a bed that we have slept together in before. But tonight was different, it was deep, connective, emotional, heart-felt. He felt my tenderness, and my vulnerability, and my heart’s calling for Love. And my heart’s mourning for lost love…and he just holds me and fills me up… I think I just want to cuddle, to keep it safe, I don’t know if my pussy is up to opening to him tonight. But he found his way in…through the blissful sinking into one another, it felt as though our energy bodies became linked, and then we were just in this seamless flow together…like a love scene form the movies, our bodies mimicking the entwinement of our tongues, we only stop for air to look into each other’s eyes.

He doesn’t use a nickname for me, he calls me by my real name, which beckons forth my full power, he’s really asking for all me to come into presence.

“Lauren, I want to make Love to you Tonight.”

“I know.” And I did know. I could feel his heart’s asking to melt into mine, that this was different than fucking, that we wanted to enter all of me, feel all of me, that he could encompass that.

He warmed my pussy up with seductive caresses, touches, holds, licking the edges of my underwear. My body is electrocuted with energy, I’m rejoicing in my yes to connect with this man that so playfully loves me, my body, my pussy, my soul. We’ve had galactic sex in the past, but we haven’t quite melded our hearts together. My heart was especially open, and his was radiating. He could feel me melting beneath him. He straps on a rubber, and lingers at my entrance. My favorite thing about sex is rubbing cock on the outside of my pussy, the tease, right at the entrance, not quite inside of me, asking for my pussy to open. You could make me come with just the desire for his cock. He pulsates here longer than usual, really waiting for my invitation for him to enter me. Then he makes his moves….the tip pushes in. I close my eyes in exuberant pleasure; it feels like a rainbow is penetrating my body, filling me up, flashing my soul with his. We meld together…. he just rides this sweet edge of my quivering pussy, filling me to the brim, rocking side my side as if we were on a canoe, just rocking the boat gently. I could come at any moment….and so could he….

He pulls out for a break because the energy it too intense. He runs downstairs to empty his bladder. By the time he comes back, I am half asleep, not sure If I can be disturbed by another go at our love session….

“We could just wait until the morning and just build this energy all night long”

He ponders the idea.

“I had to stop earlier because I was about to come.”

“So was I.”

Then my pussy gest a flush of heat and dampness, it beckons his pressure and heat back inside me. He hears the call for him to enter me. He pushes his cock inside me from an awkward side angle, which just makes my pussy squeeze him tightly….

“You feel like a virgin pussy right now, Lauren. You feel like a virgin.”

I laugh because I am so far from a virgin…but the fantasy goes into my head, of the newness that this cock is offering me. Of the weight. Of the inquisition of his pulsating pleasure inside the conquest of my wet flesh. I welcome it; my juices flood.

He pulsates faster now, harder, penetrating my depths to a delicious rhythm. I tell him I’m blacking out with pleasure, that it’s so overwhelming, I can hardly hold on.

He wants me to come with him, he works me to a nice edge and I signal when I’m coming, and he shoots is hot liquid in harmony with the contractions from my orgasm….it’s always a trip for me, the orgasm; the height of it, then the potential low feeling afterwards. I know things, secrets about my body that when done properly, like if a man is properly working my G spot, that I can come for minutes on end. I won’t stop coming….

But we don’t quite get there. He bangs me until the wave is over….and pulls out, we rest in each others arms.

“You’re really beautiful Lauren, you know that. Inside, as much as outside. You’re a beautiful soul.”

Words I needed to hear on a night that I wanted to be with my “true love” who just isn’t able to be in my life. I’m letting go of this feeling of any old attachment to D, these old feelings that don’t serve me anymore.

I welcome this new feeling of love, it’s innocence, it’s sincerity. A new connection has been made…his name is Mikael. 

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