Yoni Puja 11.27.11 4am
She waves the wand of her fingers over me, towards the opening of my vulva. They extend through the ground, spiraling into the belly of the mother so that I may rise up to the top of my crown. Om Amritananda Naidhiya Namaha.
The Mantra of the guru is pulsating throughout my body, a pulse that I cannot hold but captures me. I don't ride the kundalini but she chose me as her Altar that night; worships me as the mother, the lover of live's expansions of expressing the universes' most sublime expression; that of sexual ecstasy.
As her fingers make contact with my clitoris, or Sahajroli, the contact makes my body writhe uncontrollably, an energy which completely encapsulates my being. I have no choice but to completely BE; I am nothing but a witness.
Tantric Initiations are secret, to be kept close by the initiates body; not to be shared or spread thin by words hopelessly trying to express a holy sacrament. A once vibrant hue of red becomes a faded pale pink in comparison to the experience of the ritual itself. But through these words may you come to know me, to feel ME, to dive into the imperfect crevasse of my soul; where the light and dark shines and the void spreads out beneath you in my empty rib cage. I breathe you (universe) completely
Exhale-into the moment's death so that the next breath may become completely
Take me into the highest most light; the most high the most blessed,
spralled on the floor my yoni in plain sight--before you
I become the imprint of all projections you've ever had about The Goddess; I am We Are Free. We are her
Your touch/power enters my quivering juicy yoni-you touch me, the sacrament as you chant, Invoking the Holy Shakti as my body becomes an instrument of the spanda, I shiver in the nakedness of my mind, all I can do is go up, flying higher and higher into the depths of the human experience.
Death looms over us like our life's greatest challenge, we can never prepare for the apocalypse, but we must for the day when ships can no longer sail, when the mamma's belly shakes, she quake of her mourning, a lesson to not fail.
All of my Karmas are pushed to my throat, transmute this grasping breath into one that is not pressured by life's demands; the demands of the government ready to kill for corruption, armed to the teeth because their cocks are not pleased. Ready to kill in the name of freedom, smeared blood on the hypocrite's heart. But they cannot control or enslave consciousness nor devotion of the heart, for it never dies. I am eternal vibration, expressing itself to you because I want to know myself.
The energy is too intense for me to carry, she pushes me into the arms of the Father I cascade down like a waterfall into the sea. He is at my back and the Mother cradling the front of my naked flesh; my heart finally releases because there's nothing left to hold, not even myself. Thought escapes time and there is only the heartbeat; the one eternal ceaseless sound drumming inside my soul, hAhA clearing karma through my yoni; she shakes into me, she I her, me, in this dance of infinity's death.
What if there was nothing. Would evil win? They think they can but that is a false victory for destruction is only transmutation.
You can never destroy what is true
Chew on this apple
Which never fall far from the Tree of Knowledge; Drink from this sweet vine of truth, dear one, and remember life is supposed to be Euphoric but is distorted by fear, the fear that there is not enough,
But in Reality there is nothing but Grace
A double edged sword of blissful burning
a cold cut into my heart, fierce opening of sinew and blood
Please do no deny my face any longer
Look at my Eyes
Do you see God looking back at you
Bramashrivara, holding space for our Choices to become realized in Oneness or
to Deny or Greatness.
She's got nothing but _________________infinite space
But do You?
No. You have one last breathe, one last dance to complete this mission in a city where there is no center.
No unifying circle to draw but in absolute divine faith may we know God in the Darkest of moments. May we hear God's Helping Angels Sing to our hearts; a song calling us back home, a place where we started from but appears different after the hero's journey
Travel With me here
Hold the Hand of the Mother Back to the OM
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